There's a really long gap between buying tomato seeds in early February ( mine cost 50p each!), raising small plants, working up polytunnels, laying out trickle irrigation and black plastic to supress the weeds, planting out the tomato plants with strings in late April- we grow about 7 varieties, over 3500 plants,and then- we wiat for them to start growing.
At this point, they have cost several £K in plants and labour, but that's only the start of it!
Tomatoes are really only successful if grown with 1 main stem up the support, but what they prefer to do is throw out dozens of vigorous shoots all competeing for water and light- so someone has to go round and pull off all the sideshoots. Then, they can't support themselves- so they have to be wound on.
This is a pretty full time job- and this year, we don't have a tomato girl! Usually I find someone to come in part time and help out- this year there are only males, and, sorry guys, you just aren't very good at this! So the tomato plants look like triffids, botanical anarchy- and I've just seen the first ripening yellow cherry plum! Help!
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