Eden Farms home farm has received absolutely no chemical sprays for nearly 40 years! We are situated in a narrow valley bisected by a stream, and boast quite a selection of wildlife, including quite a few protected species, including bats, newts, lizards and snakes.
Surrounded by intensive agriculture, we provide a small haven for species sensitive to modern agricultural methods, and- although I'm a bit girly about them- snakes are one of the most interesting.
Over the years we have seen quite a few grass snakes here- usually they are only about 9" long and the diameter of a man's finger. But at the weekend the biggest one I've ever seen appeared coiled up outside our kitchen door. It was easily 11/2" diameter, and uncoiled I would say 18". It didn't seem very well, not helped by the bossy attention of our cat Headmaster. Eventually Luke picked it up(!) and carried into the long grass where it slowly vanished!
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