Thursday, 21 June 2007

Yellow Greens

Summer should be a mellow dreamy time to enjoy the great outdoors and recover from too many nights spent in watching "B" movies and snacking sweeties. Instead, we seem to be living in a sub-tropical forest of large weeds and even larger puddles, bad-tempered staff gently poaching in full wet gear, and even worse tempered farmers who cannot get any work done!
So why should vegetables be immune from the general misery?! Just as our summer range of veg comes into full swing, the perverse weather causes problems! Spinach and lettuce leaves are bruised and ripped by the staggering force and size of the raindrops, and broccoli has received the message" go forth and multiply- quickly!!", with the result that no amount of chilling prevents it from trying to flower- hence you may have received a brownish piece. Our delicious new potatoes may have to grow gills and swim out of the field, and winter modular plants are spending their second month laid out in the farmyard waiting to be planted.
Please do contact us if you have received yellow green veg, and we will credit you! We are doing our best, but Eden Farms likes- hot, dry summers and cold, wet winters- this is the order I'm putting in for 2008!!

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