Saturday, 3 February 2007

Sunny Saturday

Last night was the first truly cold frost for some time, coming just as we are cutting the first tunnel organic lettuce. If the weather is cold enough to freeze the leaves, particularly when they have hearts, the morning sun will rupture the cell walls( ice expands- remember physics GCSE?), and a week later, that nasty brown slime we all hate!
But a careful examination when the frost had burned away in a brilliant sun so hot that I was in my T shirt, looks like they have got away with it, last night, at least...
Down the farm, the row upon row of different green vegetables gleamed and grew; organic vegetables are dependent for their nitrogen( the stuff that keeps leaves green and shiney) on bacterial soil activity, which in turn, depends on temperature. This winter our greens are beautiful, none of that blue-around-the-mouth-and pallid-with-it look that we sometimes see. It has to be said that the skill of the farmer has a lot to do with it! but the mild winter so far has been a great help.

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