Wednesday, 20 April 2011


We are having a gorgeous spring, crops are growing at a frantic rate, check on our products page to see what's in season this week - amazing asparagus, green batavia lettuce, pak choi, spring greens- all that healthy stuff to clean out the pipes after a winter of roast roots and cabbage.
But a small amount of rain wouldn't go amiss! It is now 3 weeks since any rain fell on the farm, and small plants are extremely vulnearble to drying out in the fierce wind and sun. So Luke is not only doing land work, muck spreading, planting, weed control- he has had to stop to water everything already planted- a lot of it under fleece, which has to be rolled back, steerage hoed, watered, then re-covered- quite a job.
Thank goodness we filled our pit this spring!
Meanwhile,we are proud of our early lettuce this year- here is Morgan(youngest son, unwillingly drafted into cabbage planting in his uni holiday!) You may meet him on one of our markets- he will talk you into buying anything!!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Asparagus and Purple Sprouting!

Yes! A really warm, dry Spring has moved our asparagus forward by an amazing 2 weeks! This has to be the earliest for us ever.
And the beleaguered purple and white sprouting broccolli has really flourished- although some timely gentle April showers wouldn't do any harm. However, as always with the British weather, be careful what you wish for!
Farm work has been crazy busy- instead of moaning because we can't get on due to the rain, we haven't had a minute off, with planting and cutting! Our lettuce have been so excellent that we've managed to send pallet-loads down to London- never known in April, and if I do sound a bit smug, well ahead of the game this year!
Anyhow, these and much more can be found on our markets and website . Visit us soon!