Everything goes PINK during Breast Cancer Awareness Month- so why should veg boxes be excluded? Next week we will be packing a PINK VEG BOX- a bit of a challenge, and we've had to take a few liberties (red and purple) to come close! But with pink potatoes, onions, ruby chard, red kale, chioggia- Italian pink beetroot, red batavia lettuce(really pink), and even "pink" aubergines. We've introduced a new Pickled Pink jar of red onions in the deli section on our website- and we are donating 10%of proceeds from pink sales to local breast cancer support groups!
Many people start buying our organic veg boxes after a brush with cancer, and research points towards a link between cancer and some pesticides used in conventional agriculture.In particular, the so-called gender bending sprays used extensively in vegetable production appear to have oestrogen-like properties that could increase the risk of breast cancer. Local campaigners also report a higher than normal incidence of breast cancer in Lincolnshire, a county well known for its intensive farm vegetable production.
In addition to our regular deliveries,the fundraising pink vegetable boxes will be on sale at 14 different Farmer’s Markets in the East Midlands during October, or can be ordered direct from Eden Farms by phoning 01790 763582
Meanwhile, Stacey Emerson, packer of pink boxes, has dressed up especially for the event!