Monday, 7 May 2007


Listening to the weekend farming programme( yes, I know it's sad), farmers in Australia are apparently in the forefront of global warming and are running out of water. In line with official thinking worldwide, protection of home-owners' privileges tends to take precedence over farmer's needs. So while flush toilets and automatic washing machines continue to work, irrigation quotas, already cut this year to 60%, are anticipated to fall between 0 and 50% next growing season.
Needless to say, in a drought-stricken landscape, farming could rapidly become impossible.
In an interview with one farmer, I was astounded to hear that his full quota is 5 million gallons per acre; our entire 70 acre farm has just 2 million gallons of water in the reservoir!
While feeling sympathetic for this man's plight- he grew onions- it did occur to me that I have on occasion seen Australian onions- particularly organic ones- for sale in the UK. And Australian beef and apples. So their rare and precious water is at least in part being exported to the opposite end of the globe in a worldwide commodity that could just as easily be produced on our own doorstep. Joining the mad international gathering of Mexican spring onions and South African caulis in our local supermarket. And creating lots more carbon emissions, leading to even more global warming, and round and round...
Sometimes humans can be extraordinarily stupid...