Tuesday, 23 January 2007


This week on our farm we are pulling organic spring onions. This is pretty unusual for the time of year- usually Eden Farms grows overwintered salads in tunnels, but until this week, they were quite happy ourside.
So how come that my local Somerfields is air- freighting spring onions in from MEXICO this week?! Is there any possible excuse for transporting such an easy, british salad crop so many thousands of miles.
I also saw the usual beans from Guatemala and Kenya, and even some butternut squash from far-flung Australia.
What are we doing?! Theres plenty of local variety to be had 12 months of the year. In Eden Farms organic vegetable box this week I had: Cara potatoes, crunchy carrots, onions, chestnut mushrooms, bunched beetroot (sweet!), coriander leaf, swede, sprout top, spring onion and a savoy. Look no further than www.edenfarms.co.uk- just down the road!

Wednesday, 17 January 2007


Global warming may have enabled Eden Farms to have both purple sprouting broccoli and ordinary "calabrese" broccoli on our organic veg stall in Nottingham last week, but the mud! In normal winters there is usually some cold, biting weather by now that "freeze-dries" our fields, so we can do some winter ploughing- or- hey what fun! some hoeing!
Nothing like that this year so far; Lincolnshire has degenerated into a sea of mud, and Eden Farms appears to be sinking in the middle! Although you might think that all this warm weather will increase our range of crops , in fact, we usually start planting lettuce outside in just over a month, but we need some drying weather to help out.
Visit our Farmer's Market stalls in Nottingham, vheck our website www.edenfarms.co.uk for all the details, you'll be surprised at the range of seasonal veg.
Watch this space for recipes too!